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How to Get Rid of Flies Outside (Effectively!)

Ah, the joys of outdoor living! There’s nothing quite like relaxing on your patio, soaking up the sun, and enjoying a cool breeze. But wait, what’s that buzzing sound? Oh no, not again! Flies can turn your peaceful oasis into a frustrating battlefield faster than you can say “Shoo!” But don’t worry, I’ve got your back. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to get rid of flies outside, effectively, so you can reclaim your outdoor spaces. From DIY sprays and essential oil blends to fly traps that actually work, for patio flies and fruit flies. Let’s dive into the world of fly control and transform your patio into the fly-free zone you’ve always dreamed of.

Understanding the Fly Problem

Understanding a few things about the fly problem is key to effectively getting rid of flies outside.

Why Flies Invade Your Patio

Ever wondered why these tiny terrorists seem to have a particular vendetta against your outdoor space? Well, it’s not personal, I promise. Flies are attracted to your patio for the same reasons you are – food, shelter, and a nice place to hang out. They’re particularly drawn to uncovered food, standing water, and even the scents wafting from your barbecue. Essentially, your patio is like an all-inclusive resort for flies!

Common Types of Outdoor Flies

Not all flies are created equal. The usual suspects you’ll find gate-crashing your patio party include house flies, fruit flies, and those pesky little gnats. Each has its own preferences and behaviors, but they all share one thing in common – they’re not invited to your outdoor gatherings!

Key Differences from Patio Flies

key differences from patio flies

Here’s a table summarizing the key differences between patio flies, fruit flies, and fungus gnats.

CharacteristicPatio FliesFruit FliesFungus Gnats
AttractionFood, garbage, organic matterFermenting fruits/vegetablesMoist soil, decaying plant matter
Breeding SitesGarbage, compost, animal wasteDrains, overripe produceMoist soil in potted plants
EnvironmentMostly outdoorOften indoor, kitchens, garden pestIndoor, around houseplants
Control MethodsSanitation, outdoor trapsApple Cider Vinegar traps, removing fruit sourcesReduce soil moisture, sticky traps

As you can see from the summary of the previous table, our primary focus is to explain how to get rid of flies outside (the traditional patio flies) and annoying fruit flies that may be flying around as well.

Recommended reading: How to Get Rid of Gnats in Plants

Natural Fly Repellent Methods

Plant-Based Solutions: Nature has its own way of dealing with flies, and we can take a leaf out of its book. Certain plants act as natural fly repellents. Herbs like basil, lavender, and mint not only add a touch of green to your patio but also help keep flies at bay. Just be sure not to mix them inside the same container, as they have different growing requirements. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone – or should I say, two flies with one plant?

DIY Repellent Sprays and Essential Oil Blends: Who needs store-bought chemicals when your kitchen is a treasure trove of fly-fighting ingredients? A simple mixture of water, apple cider vinegar, and a few drops of dish soap can work wonders. Spray this concoction around your patio, and watch the flies make a hasty retreat. It’s like creating an invisible force field that says “No Flies Allowed!”. Another option is using essential oil blends to get rid of flies. However, if you have pets, especially cats or small dogs, it’s best to avoid using this blend or to significantly modify it.

Let’s see how to prepare this simple recipe for the DIY fly-repellent spray :

DIY Fly Repellent Spray Recipe

diy fly repellent spray recipe


  • 1 cup water
  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 5-10 drops of dish soap


  1. In a clean spray bottle, combine 1 cup of water and 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar.
  2. Add 5-10 drops of dish soap to the mixture. The amount can vary depending on the strength of your dish soap, but start with less and add more if needed.
  3. Gently shake the bottle to mix the ingredients thoroughly. Be careful not to shake too vigorously, as this can create excess foam.
  4. Your DIY fly-repellent spray is now ready to use!

To Apply:

  • Spray the mixture around your patio, focusing on areas where flies tend to gather.
  • Reapply every few days or after rain.
  • Avoid spraying directly on food or surfaces where food is prepared.

This natural repellent works by attracting flies with the scent of apple cider vinegar, while the dish soap breaks the surface tension of the liquid, causing flies to sink if they land on it. The smell also acts as a deterrent, helping to keep your patio fly-free.

Remember, while this mixture is natural and generally safe, it’s always a good idea to test it on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t stain or damage any surfaces on your patio.

In this strategy of getting rid of flies outside you should understand that fruit flies can be a different kind of nuisance compared to regular flies on the patio. While some methods overlap, there are indeed some specific approaches for fruit flies.

Fruit Fly Spray Recipe

fruit fly spray recipe

Prepare an Apple Cider Vinegar Spray:

Mix these ingredients in a spray bottle. The vinegar attracts fruit flies, while the soap traps them.

Fly-Repellent Essential Oil Blend for Diffusers

fly repellent essential oil blend for diffusers

Essential oils can be a great natural way to repel flies when used in a diffuser outdoors. Here’s a blend you can try:



  1. Combine all the oils in a small glass bottle.
  2. Mix well by gently rolling the bottle between your palms.
  3. Add 15-20 drops of this blend to your outdoor diffuser, following the manufacturer’s instructions for water capacity.

Why this blend works:

  • Lavender has a calming scent for humans but is disliked by many insects, including flies.
  • Peppermint’s strong aroma is off-putting to flies and can mask other attractive scents.
  • Eucalyptus is known for its insect-repelling properties.
  • Lemongrass contains citronella, a well-known natural insect repellent.
  • Rosemary adds another layer of protection with its strong herbal scent.

Keep in mind:

  • Place the diffuser strategically in your outdoor area, preferably near where you spend the most time.
  • You may need to refill the diffuser more frequently outdoors due to air currents.
  • Essential oils are potent, so always follow safety guidelines, especially if you have pets that access the area. If you have pets, especially cats or small dogs, it’s best to avoid using this blend or to significantly modify it.
  • This blend can be adjusted based on your preferences or the oils you have on hand. Other effective oils include citronella, tea tree, and cedarwood.

Essential Oil Blend for Fruit Flies

essential oil blend for fruit flies

Mix these oils and use them in a diffuser or add to water in a spray bottle (about 15-20 drops per cup of water).

Physical Barriers and Traps

physical barriers and traps to get rid of flies

Physical barriers such as screens and nets, and effective commercial traps that actually work to get rid of flies outside.

Screens and Nets: Sometimes, the best offense is a good defense. Installing fly screens or hanging mosquito nets can create a physical barrier between you and these unwanted guests. Think of it as building a fortress to protect your patio kingdom from the fly invasion.

Fly Traps That Work: If you’re feeling a bit more proactive, fly traps can be your secret weapon. From sticky tape to UV light traps, there are plenty of options to choose from. These traps are like an all-you-can-eat buffet for flies – except once they check-in, they can’t check out!

Katchy Duo Indoor Insect Trap with Scent Pod – Fan Powered with UV Light – Fruit Fly Traps for Indoors – for Fruit Flies, Gnats, Mosquitoes, Moths (Black)
  • With both a UV light and a removable pod for apple cider vinegar, the Katchy Duo offers multiple ways – both during the day and at night – to catch fruit flies, gnats, and other flying bugs.

Maintaining a Fly-Free Outdoor Space

Cleanliness is Key: Remember how we said flies love your patio for the same reasons you do? Well, let’s make it less appealing to them. Regular cleaning is crucial. Wipe down surfaces, sweep up crumbs, and don’t let spills sit. Think of it as giving your patio a spa day – it’ll look great, and the flies will look elsewhere.

Proper Food and Waste Management: Nothing says “Welcome, flies!” quite like uncovered food or overflowing trash cans. Keep food covered when outdoors, and make sure your garbage is sealed tight. It’s like putting up a “No Vacancy” sign for flies.

Additional Tips for Fruit Flies:

  1. Remove all overripe fruits and vegetables.
  2. Clean drains and garbage disposals regularly.
  3. Use apple cider vinegar traps (a bowl of apple cider vinegar covered with plastic wrap with small holes poked in it).
  4. Keep compost bins tightly sealed.

When to Call the Pros

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, the fly situation can get out of hand. If you’ve tried everything and those pesky flies are still throwing a party on your patio, it might be time to call in the cavalry. Professional pest control services have access to stronger treatments and can often identify and address the root cause of your fly problem.

Summary of Strategies to Get Rid of Flies Outside

Here’s a handy table summarizing our fly-fighting strategies:

MethodEffectivenessEase of ImplementationCost
Plant-Based RepellentsMediumEasyLow
DIY SpraysMediumEasyLow
Essential Oil BlendsMediumEasyLow
Fly TrapsHighEasyLow-Medium
Regular CleaningHighMediumLow
Professional HelpVery HighEasyHigh

Frequently Asked Questions About Getting Rid of Flies Outside

How often should I clean my patio to keep flies away?

Aim for a thorough cleaning at least once a week, with daily quick clean-ups after meals or activities.

Are citronella candles effective against flies?

While citronella can help, it’s most effective when combined with other methods like proper cleaning and food management.

Can fans help keep flies away from my patio?

Yes! Flies are weak flyers, so a strategically placed fan can make it difficult for them to land on your patio.

Is it safe to use essential oils as fly repellents around pets?

Some essential oils can be harmful to pets. Always research pet-safe options and consult with your vet before use.

How can I tell if I need professional pest control for my fly problem?

If you’ve consistently applied multiple methods for several weeks without improvement, it might be time to call in the pros.

Final Thoughts on Effectively Getting Rid of Flies Outside

Battling flies in your outdoor space doesn’t have to be a never-ending war. By combining the strategies we’ve discussed – from natural repellents and traps to maintaining a clean environment – you can significantly reduce the fly population around your patio and yard. Remember, consistency is key. No single method is a magic bullet, but a multi-pronged approach can yield impressive results.

Don’t let these pesky insects ruin your outdoor enjoyment. With a bit of effort and the right tactics, you can transform your patio from a fly zone into the relaxing oasis you deserve. So go ahead, fire up that grill, invite friends over, and relish in your newly fly-free outdoor haven. Here’s to peaceful, buzz-free gatherings in your backyard paradise!

About Henry Morgan

Henry Morgan is an agronomist horticulture founder of The Garden Style Company and The Garden Style Website. He previously worked for Mondelēz International as an Agronomist Engineer specializing in agricultural products management in highly populated areas. In 2000, Henry started working with farmer-producers in agricultural businesses selling wholesale fresh produce and retail plants in Van Buren, Arkansas. Nowadays, Henry lives in California, where he offers expert consulting services for organic vegetable gardening. As a science writer working with his wife, Julia, Henry shares his passion for gardening and farming, trying to reach and teach as many folks as possible.

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